We will be in Moore at the Moore Community Center. ONA members are admitted free. General admission for those 18 and older is $3.
Friday Early Bird: 10AM to Noon is $50
Friday: Noon to 6PM
Saturday: 9AM to 5PM
Sunday: 9AM to 4PM

Promoting the hobby of coin collecting.
We will be in Moore at the Moore Community Center. ONA members are admitted free. General admission for those 18 and older is $3.
Friday Early Bird: 10AM to Noon is $50
Friday: Noon to 6PM
Saturday: 9AM to 5PM
Sunday: 9AM to 4PM
Tulsa’s Magic Empire Coin Club now meets the 3rd Tuesday of every month at Harvard Avenue Baptist Church at 3235 East 17 Street in Tulsa.
Tulsa’s Magic Empire is changing locations in 2022. We will be meeting at Shiloh’s Restaurant in Broken Arrow starting with our January 2022 meeting. Location is 2604 N Aspen Ave ( S 145 E Ave and the Broken Arrow Expressway just south). Still the 4th Thursday of the month at 6pm.
Click here for directions: https://goo.gl/maps/q33RJUVHn84TBSax6
Shiloh’s Restaurant
2604 N Aspen Ave
Broken Arrow, OK 74012
Unfortunately, we were forced to cancel the annual OKC show again this year due to COVID restrictions. Please join us next year.
It is with great sadness that we report Shane Cornell passed away yesterday evening, December 31st, 2020. Shane’s decades of dedication to numismatics and the ONA is the reason our association still thrives. ONA President Gary Parsons had this to say about Shane in the latest Mint Luster:
“It is my unpleasant duty to report that our decades serving Secretary/Treasurer, Shane Cornell, has had to step down due to serious health issues unrelated to the virus. Many do not know that Shane kept the ONA going during some very difficult years. We all owe him our gratitude and best wishes for a full recovery. He will be missed by me and most of our members. I want to personally thank Maggie, Shane’s wife, and his family with their help with the transition to a new Secretary/Treasurer.”
The 9th Annual Black Friday Coin Show will again be located at the beautiful Glenpool Conference Center, 12205 S Yukon Avenue in Glenpool, OK on Friday, November 27th (Noon-5pm) & Saturday, November 28th (9am-4pm). There will be 40+ dealers offering a wide range of collectible coins, currency and bullion. Please message Robert with any questions. Hope to see you there!
For a map and directions, please visit this page: http://oklahomanumismatic.org/event/9th-annual-black-friday-coin-show-glenpool-ok/?instance_id=1242
Unfortunately, due to the coronavirus pandemic, we are cancelling the 2020 ONA Oklahoma City show. Dealers will have their deposits refunded. Please stay healthy! We hope to see you at the Fall Tulsa show.