Mint Luster – Official Publication of the ONA

The Mint Luster is the official publication of the Oklahoma Numismatic Association. It is published quarterly in January, April, July, and October. The Mint Luster is mailed to all current dues paying members of the ONA, which includes all ONA lifetime members. Visit our Join the Oklahoma Numismatic Association page for a membership application.

This publication is dedicated to improving the communication among ONA members. To correct any subscription problems, please contact the Secretary as there may be an incorrect address in the ONA database or your dues may have expired.

Advertising copy must be received by the editor 15 days prior to the first day of the publishing month. The editor reserves the right to revise copy to fit the requested space. All ads are priced on a PAID IN ADVANCE basis.

Brian Miller

Advertising Rates
Full Page                    $40 per issue / $120 per year
Half Page                   $25 per issue / $80 per year
“Business Card”     $15 per issue / $50 per year
Sixth Page                $10 per issue / $35 per year